Grab your copy of "8 Superfoods for the gut"

Your gut is your second brain.


 focuses on determining the root cause of your symptoms & resulting imbalances. 

Your life story is an important part of the “discovery phase” of this innovative approach.  

Many practitioners view their client's symptoms as separate or disconnected. What makes my approach different, and effective, is that together, we process through pivotal events in your life, and look at your mind, body, and soul as a whole ecosystem

Take your health back into your own hands. Starting now.

We’ll develop a unique roadmap to get you to a new level of health + vitality by leveraging food, physiology, lifestyle, and movement to return you to a state of balance and joy (this is your natural state).

Let’s train it!

12-Week Happy Belly Transformation

Let’s get started

And, as always, my personal commitment to your success.

Collaboration with your medical practitioner in order to best support you

Weekly 1:1 in-person, phone, facetime, and messenger call sessions to learn what your unique symptoms, situation, and history.

Functional lab tests of the microbiome, when necessary, to further identify what’s going on in your superorganism

Unlimited email support between consultations  

Personalized protocols and action planning designed for your unique situation

Simple, delicious, and nutrient-rich recipes created with your specific tastes, budget, and cooking skills/availability in mind

This is my signature, and most popular, health coaching program. In addition to personal weekly check-ins, I’ll also collaborate with your medical practitioner in order to best support your unique goals. This all-inclusive package will help you reclaim your health and reach your goals.

This program includes:

5-Week Buddha Belly Gut Restoration

As a Certified gut practitioner of this method, this program is a dynamic combination of both education and application. In just 35 days you’ll learn how to hear and communicate with your body in new and healing ways. This method includes guided full food removal, restoration, and reintroduction process intended to leave you feeling empowered, refreshed, and renewed.  

Let’s get started

21-Day Rewire Your Brain Program

Are the old, confusing diets just not working? This simple DIY nutrition program is the best way to strengthen your brain-gut connection, starting now. Once you enroll, you’ll receive all the tools, strategies, and recipes you need to heal from the inside, out.

Let’s get started

Marvelous Menopause Gut Health Connection

This is a complete 12 week program for 1:1, self guided or group sessions dealing with perimenopause and menopause. Each week you'll receive a new workbook guiding you through the courses with ease as well as a live call session or recording to support your success.

Let’s get started

Ready to heal?

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