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Mind-Gut Connection

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Certified Gut Health Coach focused on healing the brain-gut connection. For years I suffered from severe health issues that left my body in ongoing pain. Now, decades later, I feel incredible and in this blog, I tell you exactly how I did it.

Hey, I'm Laura.

Get instant access to the “8 Superfoods for the Gut” guide.

Five Ways to Improve Digestion

The state of your digestion can make or break your day, especially when you deal with chronic discomfort. Constant acid reflux, bloating, gas, or nausea are things we don’t want to deal with ever — much less daily. We can make a few routine shifts to leave our digestive systems feeling a lot more regulated, and it’ll be worth your while to explore these and find what works best for you. 

Eat Whole Foods

Swapping fast food for whole foods can make, what can be argued, the most significant change in our digestion. By eating whole foods, you are infusing your body with the essential vitamins and nutrients it requires with whole foods. These foods can help restore your health by just making this one switch. 

Stay Balanced 

Keeping a good mixture of fats, fiber, and fluids in our diet can mean the difference between things running smoothly or not. Incorporating these will also help lower inflammation in the body and restore your digestion and build up your immune system.

Be Mindful

By lowering stress and living in the moment, we learn to slow down and listen to our bodies better. Take stock of your stress levels and incorporate daily practices to help lower stress and anxiety in the body. One simple way you can do this is to make sure you exercise regularly, which can help rev up a sluggish digestive system. 

Take Your Supplements 

There are vitamins and supplements that we can add to our diet to support our digestive system. Treating things on the front end by being proactive is easier than treating on the back end once you are experiencing discomfort. My favorite option and the one I believe is essential is an excellent probiotic. Probiotics are full of healthy bacteria that can assist with healthy digestion. They break down indigestible fiber, which is typically responsible for gas or bloating. Ask your medical provider what supplements they suggest you may benefit from regarding digestive health.

And last, but certainly not least, zinc. This mineral is found in a healthy gut, but a deficiency can led to various gastrointestinal disorders. If you’re not one for taking pills, all these things can be found in whole food as well. And as always, please check with your doctor to make sure these are the right course of action for you, since certain medications can conflict.

You don’t have to have a chronic disorder like irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn’s disease to lessen irritating digestive symptoms. I know that no one wants to feel uncomfortable each time they eat — it can impact the way we live our lives. By making a few simple swaps, we can drastically improve the way our body works, which leads to better health and wellbeing.

Please feel free to contact me directly by email with any questions you might have or if you are interest in getting help.

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Mind-Gut Connection

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Certified Gut Health Coach focused on healing the brain-gut connection. For years I suffered from severe health issues that left my body in ongoing pain. Now, decades later, I feel incredible and in this blog, I tell you exactly how I did it.

Hey, I'm Laura.

Get instant access to the “8 Superfoods for the Gut” guide.

A list of delicious foods to heal your body from the inside, out. Keep your gut happy and functioning properly by incorporating these tasty treats into your everyday routine.


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